My life with my iPhone

Today I'll talk about my iPhone, but before I want to say that I'm not the techy type.
I hear about this object two years ago in november, one of my friends acquired it in his birthday, I thought it was pretty cool, but it really didn't take away my attention.
My iPhone was a gift from my dad (like I said before I dind't want it, cause I already had a cellphone, and I thought that I was ok with it).
But some day in april in 2008 my dad asked me: "Do you want this new cellphone (pointing the iPhone)?" and I said "Yes".... Why would I say the contrary?
When I acquired it a new world was opened in front my eyes, cause the iPhone have some many useful applications and funny stuffs.
I still think that I don't need it, but I have to accept that I love having it, cause I can listen to music in every place, I can download my favourite games, and take pictures of all moments that I want to treasure.


Disidente C. said...

Wow that's like a pc more than a phone, i say this for all that cool aplications °o°!!
And you can listen music in that thing! just with that this cell phone have my approbation jajajaja.

Very cool blog :D
See ya! take care

PD:My cell phone is so bore ¬¬.